Graphic Design, Logos, UI/UX Design, Social Media Packages

Rolling decorative waves

Our Design process

Wallaby Designs keeps you directly involved. Let us unlock your creative vision!

Image of a canvas depicting a gameplan

Step 1: Plan

In order to meet your needs, we need to know what they are. This is where we can examine past company logos or designs and make a design plan.

Image of a computer screen with a paintbrush painting along the screen

Step 2: Design

Depending on the package and planning, a series of variations are created and presented. These variants are revised to meet your needs.

Goal Flag Image

Step 3: Complete

Finalized designs are presented to you, including the vector images. You may then use these files as you see fit, no strings attached!

Graphic Design Services

What Design Services can Wallaby Designs offer to your company? Here are a few ideas!

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Company Logos

Have an old company logo or need a brand new one? From our basic to more advanced plans, let us help you update your image.

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Social Media Banners

Bring your Facebook/Twitter banners to the next level with a custom design from Wallaby Designs.

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Social Media Logos

Coupled with our Social Media Banners, let your social media logo make a good impression to your followers.

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UI/UX Designs

Need a custom Web or App interface? Need to uplift your current design scheme? Let us know!

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Company Letterhead

Stand out with a custom designed letterhead for your business. Offered as part of our Economic and Brand packages.

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Business Cards

Need a new business card design for your company? Let us help! Our brand plan provides this as an option!

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Vector Files

Vector files allow you to have complete control over your designs, giving you access to any format and size you need.

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Stock Image Creation

A website needs content, creating that content can be a challenge! We are adept at creating the right content to use in any situation!

Need spomething not listed here? Let us know! We also offer design bundles to get you started!

Custom UI/UX Design

Want to make your design user friendly? Require good user experience? Let us help!

Human First Approach

88% of users are less likely to return to a site that has a bad user experience (Source). UX Design refers to user experience, meaning your users need to be at the forefront of the design process.

Stunning Aesthetics

75% of potential clients will judge your website based on how it looks (Source). UI Design, or the design of the user interface, must also be a high priority to any design process.

Bring it Together

Stand out from the competition, let us create a completely unique design strategy for your app or website today!

Woman standing in front of various user interface screens

Have a custom project in mind?